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© Peter Gonda / Photofade

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BandCabaret de MagogCafe Le DepanneurInteriorKimberly and the DreamtimeKimberly BourgeoisMusicianNightSingerSingingStage

The first Cabaret de Magog
These photos are from the Cabaret de Magog, the first in a series of artistic gatherings to be held around the city of Montreal. The brainchild of Concordia Emeritus Professor of Political Science - Andras Göllner and held at Cafe Le Depanneur, the event's goal was to recreate the atmosphere of St. Petersburg's famed Stray Dog Cabaret. The pre-revolution locale, opened in 1911, was the meeting place for the city's free-thinking artistic and intellectual community. It lasted only a few years before the communists shut it down and imprisoned many of it's notable clientele.
Performers and artists included at this session of The Cabaret de Magog included the jazz guitar duo of Michel St. Pierre & Jonathan Charbonneau, paintings by Vera David, photographs by Michael Towe, Flamenco choreographer and dancer Lina Moros and finally the lyrically poetic music of Kimberly Bourgeois and her band the Dreamtime. Of special note was the attendance of Akos Kertesz, as guest of honour. The famous Hungarian writer who now, at 80 years of age, seeks asylum in Canada due to hostilities thrust upon him by his own countrymen, the very same ones that, until recently, lauded him. The symbolism of his presence was a thematic coup for Göllner.

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