ENGLAND: 1950-1960.Forgotten photos from England from an unknown photographer will be given a new life by a new photographer.
The Old England/The New England. He was inspired to commence this project when he happened across boxes of slides at a garage sale in Toronto. The slides contained a series of photos taken in England. The beauty of the country and the personalities of the people captured in the photos resulted in his desire not only to preserve these photos but to let them live again. The objective of his project is to juxtapose a time lost, an England and dreams of the past with the new England, its new faces and new dreams.
Susan Sontag said: ¨The camera makes everyone a tourist in other people´s reality.¨
His project invites you to glimpse the past reality of people in the 1950´s and 60´s as well as the present reality of the 21st century. You will become more than a tourist as you create your own reality by experiencing and responding to images of old and new, inquiries of then and now and by acknowledging the art of the past and the present.
© 2010 Charalee Graydon / photofade
© COLLECTION / Photofade
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